Picture of Abhi Kamboj

Abhi Kamboj's Personal Website

Key Interests:Machine learning, Computer Vision, Robotics, Embedded AI

Current Research Interests

I am a third year Ph.D. student in the ECE department at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (UIUC). I am advised by Prof. Minh N. Do. I am studying how multiple sensors can integrate into an AI model (sensor fusion) and how such a model can be applied to multiple tasks (generalization). I believe multisensor generalizable models are crucial for the future of AI due to their ability to abstract to different tasks and domains, similar to the multisensory abilities of human intelligence. I have had various graduate level internships, such as Netradyne and NVIDIA, and have published/presented work at IEEE ROMAN 2022.


05/30/2023: Completed Ph.D. Qualifying examination in the ECE department at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
05/15/2023: Awarded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
08/30/2022: Examining Audio Communication Mechanisms for Supervising Fleets of Agricultural Robots published and presented at IEEE ROMAN 2022, Naples Italy